General Info
App & Web for the real pet 🐶 lovers
The company wanted to deliver a specialized product with different topics related to pets, such as: history of the breeds, care tips, activities to do with them and extraordinary pets that help or give a service to different industries.
Card sorting
· Factor canino · Perriatra · Arte cultura · Perro extraordinario · De paseo · Adopta y apoya · Terapia canina · Entretenimiento · Marcas (Sponsors)
specialist information, audio, video, design, photographers, sponsors
There weren't similar apps, so we contacted real pets specialists and brands related to taking care of pets, so we were able to produce material (audio / visual) which could explain different topics.
Our audience was people with a great interest in pet care, who consider their pets as members of their family.
KEIN 🐶 “I really love my pet, it's like my son” LAIA 🐕 “I have a pet but I want to know more about it” CINDY 🐩 “I’m thinking of having a pet but I'm not sure, I need to research about it”
Together we delivered an update every two months (app) and frequent website updates in each new number, we worked with different profiles: editors, designers , producers , marketing & sound engineers; the contact and communication with different profiles were very important to deliver the different stages:
· Research with specialist · Voice and tone of the editors for the article · Photo shooting · Record of interviews · Sound composition · Architecture of information · User interface · Interaction design
Write me a message in:
danmtzostria@gmail.comCall me in:
(+52) 77 5127 9136