General Info


Mi bebé y yo was a traditional magazine (Sfera Editores Group) and the editorial wanted to deliver a supplementary digital summary of each number.

The problems 🚨

The brand only had experience in traditional magazines, they had a lot of sections of different topics with extensive articles of information.

Approach 🤝


The brand engaged with their tradicional users (the users paid for the print magazine) and this new product would be free for them, the main stakeholders gave the sections more engagement in the print magazine to try to generate more interest with interactive topics.


Users 👥

New Mom:

"I received a package of the brand with different products and the print magazine in the hospital and I decided to see more content of it on the internet."

Diligent Mom:

"I like to know about the care of my future baby. I am interested in different topics and I'm meticulous about each aspect of my future child."

Goals 🚀


Deliver an Interactive microsite with one new number each month.
We worked together with different profiles:editors, photographers, designers, marketing, sponsors and family care specialist. Every number increased the readers of the digital magazine, the editorial could detect (metrics) the sections with more audience and the more relevant topics (it was always free).





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